Sólveig Þorvaldsdóttir

Sólveig Þorvaldsdóttir

Dr. Sólveig Þorvaldsdóttir is a consultant with Rainrace.  Civil engineer, MS in earthquake-risk engineering, and PhD in Disaster Management System Design. Member of ICE-SAR since 1979. Team Leader of ICE-SAR international USAR team. Former member of two USA USAR teams. Former director of the Icelandic National Disaster Management Agency. Member of UNDAC since 1999. FACT member since 2004. Responded to disasters in seven countries. Member of the INSARAG Information Management Working Group. Co-writer of the revised INSARAG Coordination Handbook. 

Earlyer this year Solveig was located in the Gaziantep region in Turkey leading a group of Icelandic ICESAR experts,  their role was to coordinate the work of the many international rescue teams  in the area. 

5 October 2023 10:00 - 10:45
Room A