Home-related injuries among children under 12: parents’ knowledge, attitude and practice

Home-related injuries among children under 12: parents’ knowledge, attitude and practice

About Event
5 October 2023 15:00 - 15:45
Room A

Home-related injuries among children under 12: parents’ knowledge, attitude and practice in the Republic of Moldova

Injuries continue to be one of the global public health problems, an important cause of morbidity and mortality in children, even in countries with the most advanced medical services. According to WHO, around 424 000 children of all ages die worldwide each year from falls and more than 2000 children suffer from unintentionally injuries every day. More than 95% of these deaths happen in low- and middle-income nations, where the majority happened within home environment. Our objectives were to assess the parents’ knowledge, attitude and practice regarding home related injuries among children under 12 and intervene with prevention methods.

A cross-sectional study was conducted using a questionnaire to assess home-related injuries knowledge, attitude and practices among parents, grandparents or other people taking care for children under 12 years old, after providing their consent. From May to December 2022, the questionnaire was accessible online and circulated via social media, following data was collected: demographic’s, level of supervision, falls, poisoning, burns and home-related injury. Ethics committee approval has been obtained.

In total, participated 481 parents with children up to 12 years old, mostly aged between 26-35 years (627%), with high education (78.3%), of them 94.8% females, majority from urban areas (80%). Almost 68.3% respondents believe their child could get hurt at home, namely through injury (86.9%), followed by 37.1% who believe their child could consume something foreign. In 46,3% of cases, it is difficult for youngsters to get sharp objects, drugs, and harmful solutions, in 12.6%- it is simple. Falls accounted for 76% of the child's injuries over the past year. Parents claim to always be able to see and hear their children, according to 48.3% of parents, although there are times when they do leave their kids alone for a while. However, they occasionally leave them in the care of grandparents (58.3%) or other people (23.7%). When a child was injured at home, 46.7% of parents treated their child at home, while 36.9% went to the doctor, of them 34.1% were examined and discharged without treatment. Following the accident, 74.8% of people rated the child's condition as good, and 27.5% as acceptable.

The findings of this study will enable us to focus more on the child safety within home environment, identify relevant measures to prevent them and improve trauma medical care Keywords. children, home injury, 0-12 years old, safety, prevention.