Alcohol related road traffic accidents in the European Injury Data Base

Alcohol related road traffic accidents in the European Injury Data Base

About Event
6 October 2023 10:15 - 11:45
Room B

The Full Data Set (FDS) of the EU-IDB (European Injury DataBase) is a source of information covering many details on the external causes of injury, including objects/substances/products involved in injuries. The FDS includes more than 4,2 million of attendances recorded in a sample of Emergency Department (ED) in 19 European countries between 2008 and 2020. Objectives. To estimate the relationship between the chance of detecting alcohol in Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) with more predictors. Methods. Multivariate logistic regression using the IDB-FDS databank was carried out. Alcohol was the binary outcome and 4 categorical variables were the predictors (SexOfPatients, AgeGroupOfPatients, Treatment and ModeOfTransport).

Overall, alcohol has been detected in 4.3% of ED attendances due to RTAs and in 6.3% of admissions. In RTA, alcohol is more likely to be detected in males (OR= 2.67; IC95% 2.54-2.80; p

Other info: Italian National Institute of Health - Rome - Italy - Gianni Fondi, Carlo Mamo, Alessio Pitidis, FDS Reference Group