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PhD, Head of the Health Information Systems Department. She leads the reseach group Urban Health Inequalities. Her main lines of research include the development of indicators and study of social inequalities in health, evaluation of health impact of mobility and road safety policies, the study of injuries and their severity. She has participated in several projects with actions to tackle health inequalities.
Introduction: Many cities have promoted programs that make it easier for children to walk or cycle to school safely, usually called Safe Routes to School (SRTS). In Barcelona, SRTS ("Camí escolar, espai amic”) includes an educational program conducted within the school and the community, and changes in the environment around the school. It started in 2002, with greater deployment since 2006. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the SRTS program carried out in Barcelona between 2006 and 2016 in reducing the number of road traffic collisions and injuries in the school environment. Methods: The study used a pre-post quasi-experimental evaluation design, with a matched comparison group, including 64 intervention schools. Outcomes included collisions and people injured within a radius of about 200 meters around schools during school hours, using geocoded data (2002-2019) from the local police register, and contextual variables. For each outcome measure, we fitted generalized linear mixed model with Poisson distribution. Key words: Road safety, Children, Pedestrian, Evaluation