At the beginning of 2023, Finnish Civil Protection was reformed. In the reform new administrational layer, so called wellbeing service counties, was established. The wellbeing service counties and City of Helsinki are responsible for organizing civil protection, but also healthcare and social welfare services. The wellbeing service counties receive their funding from the State Budget, so strategic guidance and direction of the state was strengthened significantly.
One objective of the reform was developing a nationally uniform system and harmonized services. In order to achieve the objective, the new planning model for civil protection (based on capability driven approach), was developed. The presentation focuses on describing the experiences of the Finnish Civil Protection planning model, especially from the viewpoint of accident prevention. In addition, it explores the possibilities to forecast future needs and services. One possible developmental aspect is to use the model in forecasting future competence needs in different scenarios. The challenge of the development process has been the lack of proper documentation. All material available has been analysed (guidance, legislation etc.), but the main working method has been the collaboration and analysis provided by Finnish authorities, stakeholders and experts. The model describes transparently the path from the analysis of operating environment to the services produced to customers. It identifies the connections between the risks and threats and rescue tasks. Furthermore, it includes the nationally defined list of common performance requirements for all rescue tasks and services. The requirements are based on capabilities and thus far, some 200 capabilities have been identified and described. The capabilities create a national quality standard for different rescue tasks and services. In addition, the model is tightly connected to monitoring services and data collecting. The model offers a new way to understand, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of safety and accident prenvention work. It also highlights the interconnections between different rescue tasks and services, especially related to accident prevention.
Keywords: Accident prenvention, safety, civil protection, capability driven approach
PO Box 26, FI-00023 Government - Helsinki - Helsinki - FinlandTiina Etelälahti, Sini Erholtz, Tommi Luhtaniemi, Teija Mankkinen, Jaana Määttälä, Olli Ryhänen, Jari Soininen