Emergency Response Training Projects

Emergency Response Training Projects

About Event
5 October 2023 11:00 - 11:45
Room A


Every day in Spain there are thousands of accidents of varying severity in which anyone can be involved. In many cases, rapid intervention of those who witness the incident is vital to avoid possible consequences or even the injured person dead. However, the general public's knowledge of how to act in this type of event is very low. For this reason, knowing how to intervene in the event of an emergency situation is fundamental to increase the safety of the population and the survival rate until receive medical assistance.

To provide public workers in large municipalities with the necessary knowledge to intervene in emergency situations and to apply the protocols established in Basic Life Support and the use of the semi-automatic external defibrillator.  To provide the population of rural municipalities with the necessary knowledge to intervene in emergency situations and to apply the protocols established in Basic Life Support and the use of the semi-automatic external defibrillator.  To provide Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias workers with the necessary knowledge to intervene in emergency situations and to apply the protocols established in Basic Life Support and the use of semi-automatic external defibrillator. 3.Methods For development these projects, Royal Spanish Lifesaving Federation has signed a collaboration agreement with the Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias/FEMP (association that brings together 7,410 local entities throughout Spain, mainly town councils and provinces, representing more than 95% of Spanish local governments) to develop three training projects in basic life support and defibrillator use:  "ANGELS OF PROXIMITY ": Aimed at public workers in municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants. “AVAILABLE RESPONSE": Aimed at the population of municipalities with less than 20,000 inhabitants. “FIRST INTERVENTION TRAINING": Aimed at FEMP workers. Both trainings will be given in a dual way, with a first theoretical part carried out online and a practical part carried out afterwards. 

It is planned that three projects will be developed in 2023, so during the EU-Conference it will be possible to show participation data and impact in the Spanish society.

Raising public awareness of the need for intervention in the event of an accident or emergency situation while the emergency services arrive is of vital importance in order to reduce the mortality rate or the severity of the after-effects on injured people.

Keywords: Basic life support, CPR, AED